xsysstats and rpc.rstatd

What is xsysstats?


xsysstats is a rpc.rstatd client which graphically displays near real time performance statistics of the running unix kernel. The following statistics are available:

  • cpu
  • packets
  • ipackets (packets in)
  • opackets (packets out)
  • pagei (page in)
  • pageo (page out)
  • apagei (average page in per second)
  • apageo (average page out per second)
  • swap
  • swapi (swap in)
  • swapo (swap out)
  • interrupts
  • disk
  • context
  • load1 (1 minute)
  • load5 (5 minute)
  • load15 (15 minute)
  • collisions
  • errors

These statistics are collected and served out by the rpc.rstatd daemon.

What is rpc.rstatd?

rpc.rstatd is a remote procedure call (RPC) daemon which runs on the UNIX/Linux server and collects kernel statistics to hand off to a client.

rpc.rstatd installation

Installing the software is very OS specific. Table below shows what package contains rpc.rstatd:

OS                    Package         Notes
Solaris 8             SUNWcsu       Base OS Package
Solaris 9 and 10      SUNWrcmds
FreeBSD                             Part of the base OS
RedHat/Fedora/CentOS  rusers-server

FreeBSD & Solaris 8/9

Once you have the software installed, rpc.rstatd is usually started through inetd. Edit the /etc/inetd.conf (or /etc/inet/inetd.conf on Solaris), look for a line similar to the line below and enable it (the FreeBSD version is here):

rstatd/1-3      dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/libexec/rpc.rstatd  rpc.rstatd

After the file has been updated, send a HUP signal to the inetd process:

pkill -HUP inetd

Solaris 10

Edit the inetd.conf file as in the Solaris 8/9 case but Instead of HUPing the inetd daemon, run the following:

svcadm enable svc:/network/rstatd_2-4/rpc_datagram_v:default

The inetdconv command will create a SMF service entry.


To enable rpc.rstatd run the following:

chkconfig rstatd on

No need to edit any configuration files.

Verify installation

To verify a correct rpc.rstatd installation on all platforms, run rpcinfo -p command on the server. You should see lines similar this (the port number will be different):

program vers proto port
100001    1   udp  61194  rstatd
100001    2   udp  61194  rstatd
100001    3   udp  61194  rstatd

rpc.rstatd security

rpc.rstatd does not provide any authentication or authorization mechanisms to get to the kernel data. Furthermore, since it is not widely used, there probably exists buffer overflow bugs in code. It is my recommendation that you use a host based firewall and tcp_wrappers to limit which clients can connect to the port. If you can, limit connections to localhost.

You may ask yourself: why am I recommending tcp_wrappers for a UDP based service? RedHat/Fedora/CentOS have added tcp_wrappers support to rpc.rstatd. For Solaris and FreeBSD, it is not available.

Since rpc.rstatd requires the use of rpcbind, you need to secure rpcbind. Any client who is going to talk to rpc.rstatd server will also need to talk to rpcbind, so add the client to the rpcbind access list.

Installing xsysstats

FreeBSD ports collection contains xsysstats, RedHat/Fedora/CentOS fetch the RPM from https://repo.tusk.tufts.edu/extras/ Yum repository, source RPM here.

Using xsysstats

Now we have the server setup and the client installed, we can start using it. If you type xsysstats, here is the help screen:

XSysStats 1.51 Usage:
-allnames               Display names of all hosts, even localhost
-background color       background color
-baseline color         draw baseline of color 'color'
-border number          spacing between graphs and window edges
-color color            color of last graph specified by -type
-defcolor graphtype color       Sets default color for all types of graphtype
-display displayname    X server to contact
-foreground color       foreground color
-geometry geom          size (in pixels) and position
-hidelabels             do not display labels at bottom of graph.
-hidehosts              do not add hostnames to labels.
-host string            machine to report statistics on
-link graph             link scale of last graph to graph specified.
                        For graphs on remote hosts, use graph@host from.
-min number             minimum scale of last graph specified by -type
-max number             maximum scale of last graph specified by -type
-name string            Set the X application resource name
-ruler number           draw a ruler below the baseline, with time markings
                        every 'number' seconds.
-samescale              Synchronize scales of similar graphs
-sample number          how many seconds between each update
-scale number           draw dotted horizontal lines of the last graph
                        at value specified.
-showmax                        show running maximum value
-solid                  Draw a solid graph.
-split WxH              Split the window into W width and H height sections.
-title string           Set the window manager title
-type string            type of graph to display: Choices of cpu,
                        packets, pagei, swap, interrupts, disk, context, load,
                        collisions, errors, ipackets, opackets, apagei, apageo, pageo.
-window number          Window number to plot graph in.
-wtitle name            Sets the default short subwindow name.

This is very ugly, so I wrote xsysstats_wrapper to automate my favorite options. To get the graph at the top of the page you run this:

xsysstats_wrapper -I

If you were to create the same graph using xsysstats itself, the command would look like this:

xsysstats -background white -baseline blue -title "Remote status of localhost" -split 7x1 -geometry 840x120-0+0 -type cpu@localhost -color DarkRed -type load1@localhost -color DarkOrange -type disk@localhost -color DarkGreen -type packets@localhost -color GoldenRod -type swap@localhost -color black -type pagei@localhost -color purple -type interrupts@localhost -color brown

The xsysstats_wrapper script requires the use of another helper script, getresolution. This example assumes you just want to monitor your local workstation. What if you want to monitor other servers? As long as they are set up and your workstation is allowed to get to the rpc.rstatd UDP port, you would run this:

xsysstats_wrapper -I localhost server1

And you will be monitoring your both server1 and your workstation. xsysstats_wrapper supports the following options:

Usage: xsysstats_wrapper [-bhIpvn] [-c cols] [-s size] [host ...]
        -b              Black and white screen (default to autodetect)
        -c columns      How many columns across (default is 1 host set)
        -h              This help screen
        -I              Invert the color pallet
        -n              Do not execute the command (useful with -v)
        -p              Portrait mode (default is landscape)
        -s size         Size of each square (default is X / 16)
        -T Title        Window Title (default is "Remote status of ...")
        -v              Verbose, print out the command line
        host            If not specified, then use localhost

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